Sunday, June 19, 2011

4 months!

My baby is 4 months old! I know eventually I will have to stop counting time by his months, but for now they seem like such a big deal to me. The other day i had the privilage of meeting my cousins new baby girl (still not sure what relation the baby is to me. Second cousin? cousin once removed?) and I hadnt realized how much Jude had grown. Holding the little six day old girl and remembering how small and fragile they are at that age made me realize how true it is that time goes by so fast with your children. I can only imagine what it will feel like to be remembering Jude as a newborn in another 20 years or so.

Things I love aboug having a 4 month old:
  • I love hearing his little giggle
  • I love that he recognizing me when I come in to the room and gives me a big smile
  • I love that I am starting to see a bit of personality coming out
  • I love how cuddly he is while nursing
  • I love watching him try so hard to use his hands to grab things

Things i didnt not expect about have a 4 month old:
  • I did not expect that he would be teething so soon
  • I did not expect to be losing SO MUCH hair
  • I did not expect to be so worried about him all the time
  • I did not expect to still (how do I say this in a not gross way) be crying whenever I went to the bathroom

Regardless of what I did or didnt expect, I'm pretty happy with our little family and to be able to celebrate Tylers first fathers day! He is so good with Jude and has taken on the role of being our provider. I am so blessed to have Tyler as my husband and the father of my child. Happy fathers day Ty!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Queen Bee!!

About a month ago my mom and I went shopping at the queen bee market in San Diego. It is a market put on a few times year by local artists and craftsman. We bought a few cute things including a headband from here and a clutch from here. We decided to try and apply for the next market in August and were pretty sure we wouldn't get in since there are tons of local artists and craftsmen in the SD area. But we did!!! August 6th we will be selling our Hope And Heritage items here. We are very excited and a little stressed as this means we really have to step up our crafting and make a ton of product in the next month and half.

Click on the button on the right hand side of the blog if you want to check out other vendors at the queen bee market.

Monday, June 13, 2011

teething and crafting

My baby is teething already! I actually took him to the Dr. because he was SO fussy and I thought it was to early for this little guy to be sprouting teeth and was sure it had to be an ear infection or something of that sort. I had a hunch he was teething since he started producing crazy amounts of drool, it just seemed SO early. I felt pretty dumb after I left the Dr. office and realized he was obviously just fussy because of his teeth. I guess this is what it feels like to be a worrisome mom. A teething baby who is to small to hold things in his mouth is not happy baby.
Over the weekend we took a visit to my moms house and had time to work on a few craft projects. We spent most of the weekend working some flower headbands. Since Jude has been drooling so much and needs something close to his mouth to chew on, we made him this teething bow tie.

Here is Jude's teething Tie

He wore it last night and the terrycloth was perfect for him to chew on and to soak up all his drool

Uncle Sam headband. I added some to our etsy shop.

I love having flower headbands, especially since these days its pretty hard to shower and do my hair. I can just stick on one of these and I'm ready for the day!

Friday, June 10, 2011

full time mother

Its official. I am now a full time mother, wife, knitter, blog reader (mostly mother). I have been playing with the idea of returning to work part time when my maternity leave is up in the middle of July. I now know that it is not an option for me. Prior to Jude being born I was a full time Substance abuse counselor at a women's homeless shelter and I LOVED it. Even before Jude was born, back when I felt those sweet little kicks and rolls in my stomach, I knew that it would be a while before I could return to work full time.
After many hours of stress and prayer I found out today that due to low numbers at my former work they could not offer me a part time position, it had to be full time. Since that is out of the question, I am now officially a full time mom. I knew it was the right thing for me when i felt giddy with excitement rather then disappointed when i found out.
The facility is keeping me on call so I will occasionally fill in for counselors who are out sick which i think will be a nice way to keep my foot in the career door while I'm working on my family. So for now I guess my days well be filled with more of this:

Mothering my beautiful baby boy

Getting my knit on

Having fun with my husband

Drinking absurd amounts of tea

Working on the Hope And Heritage shop

And if I'm lucky, laughing with my sister and friends until our sides hurt

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

what everybody's working for

The weekend.
I used to look forward to the weekend mostly because it meant I was not working. Now I love the weekend because it means my husband is not working. I love being able to spend time together as a family and watching our son Jude bond with his dad during his waking hours. Since my husband usually returns from work around 6:30 and Jude gets ready for bed at 7 they don't have a lot of bonding time together during the week. Here are a few photos of last weekend in Encinitas Ca. and why I LOVED it. It helps that we live in such a beautiful place.

Going to the beach

This is an illegal mural put up under an over pass in Encinitas Ca. Not sure what I think about it but it definitely gets your attention

Spending time with these guys

baby feet! I made these pants from an old sweater on this tutorial.

During our day out we stopped at this yarn shop. I could spend SO much money in this shop. There are rooms and rooms that look like this. At the back of the building there is a giant room full of work tables and pattern books.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I realize that not everyone celebrates when they actually follow through with something that they had been talking about/planning on doing, but we do. After months of talking about raising some baby chicks to produce our own eggs we have finally done it and we are VERY excited. After a few phone calls to local feed stores to find out who sold aracauna chicks we finally found someone who did. We headed out to the local feed shop and spent some time looking at all the different chicks.

The man working at the feed store seemed a little confused when we questioned him to make sure we bought the chickens that lay the pretty blue eggs.
He was even more confused by use when I pulled out my camera and started taking pictures. You can guess how he responded when he went to put the chickens in the trunk and i told him we were going to carry them on our laps. If only he knew that we were keeping these teenage chickens inside the house.

A few more months and we will have fresh pretty blue eggs every day!