Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy Holidays!

These holidays we have been super busy. On Christmas eve we arrived in Toronto Canada to visit tylers family. We have been spending the last week enjoying family, relaxing and a white christmas (almost). While Christmas itself was warm and not so snowing, the days after provided lots of snow. Jude loved watching it fall and was not to sure what to make of it on the ground. I hope everyong had an enjoyable Christmas week!

Monday, December 5, 2011

very very busy

These last few weeks we have been VERY busy. We have completed 2 holiday markets, one of which was 2 days long. I came down with a horrible cold for which i could take no medication due to breastfeeding, which turned into a sinus infection that has lasted forever. I have had a few doula interviews that resulted in my having a doula client every month from now till April with lots of scheduled prenatal and interviews coming up. I also gave my notice as a counselor, last week will be last week. With all of the busyness we took some family time this weekend to get our house ready for the holiday.

Picking out our Christmas tree

Pretty exciting

Jude had a traumatizing encounter with Santa

With lots of things going on and even more things to catch up on, it was nice to take some time to do one of my favorite things, setting up the christmas tree. This year we got a small tree and put it up on a table. Now that Jude is moving around we figured it was safer.